Its Alive

My blog and the rest of my sites are back up again, running on new hardware.

The 2nd backup server/thumbnail processor is still waiting on some heat sinks before it can get installed but now were running on a server with next day dell support.

I’ll have more details on webthumb changes once the dns has been updated. But the biggest difference will be a full time backup API which will be available all the time and support transparent fail over.

The pear wiki, and should be back as well.

5 Million thumbnails

Webthumb hit 5 million thumbnails some time last night. This blows away the last million time, taking just 34 days for this million.

On that note contact me if you are interested in bulk purchases of credits. For purchases of 250k credits or more the rate is $1.25 per 1000. If you will be using more then 250k credits a month additional discounts are available, depending on your usage patterns.

Webthumb API Change

Error handling for Webthumb job requests has changed. Requests with bad urls are now silently ignored instead of dropping the entire request at the first error.

This will fix problems with bad urls in multi-request submissions. Let me know if you have any concerns.

Easythumb Changes

For anyone using Easythumb I have good news and bad news. The good news is the rate for cached thumbnail delivery has been changed to .05 credits. The bad news is the bug where you weren’t getting charged for cached thumbnail delivery has been fixed. If you get an image that says “out of credits” that means you’ve used up your limit for the month. You can purchase more credits to continue your use.

4 Million Thumbnails

Webthumb generated its 4 millionth thumbnail on monday

The official time was 2008-08-11 11:09:49.

I’ve been making good progress on the thumbnail rates lately, this million was a bit faster the last. If you want to help me hit the next million check out the site, if you want to buy 250,000 credits or more send me an email I have bulk rates available.

Million Time Days
4 2008-08-11 11:09:49 52
3 2008-06-19 11:13:45 58
2 2008-04-22 15:04:57 84

ROT13 transform

Simple example of the ROT13 algorithm. ROT13 is a simple function which rotates the
characters of a string 13 places forward.

Since PHP 4+ you can use the PHP build-in function str_rot13.
This is just a example implementation to show how it works.

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