SUIT Framework

Template engine with configurable syntax
This class is implements a template engine with configurable syntax.

It allows defining the syntax of the template place holder marks, like start and end characters, section end characters, escape characters, and nodes that define PHP code to run when processing sections enclosed with given start and end characters.

The class can read templates for a given path, process the template syntax and return the results as a single string.

A version of this class is also made available in the Python language.



kPlaylist is a free PHP system that makes your music collection available via the Internet. kPlaylist is a music database that you manage via the web. With kPlaylist you can stream your music (ogg, mp3, wav, wma, etc.), you can upload, make playlists, share, search, download and a lot more.

Podcast Generator

Podcast Generator is a free web based podcast publishing script written in PHP: upload media files (audio-video) via a web form along with episode information and automatically create podcast w3c-compliant feed including iTunes specific tags. It also features a comprehensive web administration.

PHP Mp3 DB Tool

A simplistic program to convert a ASCII file (obtained from mp3 collector or similar program) to MySQL format, insert it in database and run reports from a web based engine, supports streaming of single mp3s and full albums.


Generate pronounceable passwords like GNU pwgen
This class can be used to generate pronounceable passwords like GNU pwgen program.

It can generate a random text of a given length that can be used as a password.

The class provides options to include numbers or symbols, capitalize letters, avoid vowels.

The generated text is organized in such way that is easy to pronounce in English.

Bot recognizer and dispatcher

Recognize and handle Web robot by IP or user agent
This class can be used to recognize and handle Web robots by IP address or user agent.

It can check the IP address of the computer or the user agent of the browser program currently accessing the Web server to determine if it is within a range of IP addresses known to be of Web robots like search engine site crawlers or even malicious crawlers.

The class can call different callback functions depending on the type of crawler that was identified.

It can also be set on debug mode by taking a given IP address or string as user agent instead of the user agent string sent by the accessing browser.

The Web robots information is stored in a database. The class can load that database from a text data file. The database can be accessed using supplied database class or a database adapter class from the Zend Framework.

CMS from Scratch

CMS from Scratch is a quick, easy, and FREE solution that lets web designers give their customers a web site they can edit themselves. It is now also an OPEN SOURCE project, so you can use the source PHP scripts for FREE.

Google Translate API

Translate text using the Google Translate API
This class can be used to translate text between idioms using the Google Translate API.

It sends an HTTP request to Google Translate API Web server passing the text to be translated and the original and target languages pair.

The class decode the JSON response returned by the server and returns the translated text.


Browse and manipulate files
This class can be used to browse and manipulate files.

It can generate an HTML listing of files and directories in a given directory with links to execute several operations.

Currently it can view file contents, list ZIP archive contents, download files, delete files, create new files, create directories, browse in sub-directories or parent directories, etc..

php comment

php comment script is a php no database required free download scripts that can be used as a comment script or quest book script, this script is simple and can be integrated in any website, no data base needed,. your website visitors can post comments easily without the need of registration, java validation post to prevent spam comments, also it has a captcha validation image, all comments written to text files, you can redirect your visitors to the comment page itself or just include the comment page within your php page. you can modify it to suit your website look and needs, admin can add unlimited number of pages, admin can approve or delete any comments from admin control panel, you can also set the time GMT+- from configuration time, also you can set if you want to approve comments before showing them to your visitors on the comment page or showing them immediately after posting (like forums).
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