Category Archives: Free PHP Scripts


UASparser is a PHP class for user agent string analysis. It provides information on a client's software type (browser, webcrawler, anonymizer, etc.) and which OS is used by the client. It is fast and standalone. Its data file and cache are automatically updated from a remote server with version checking.

Simple upload image and create a thumbnail image

Here is an example for a simple way of uploading an image and then create a thumbnail image automatically. This PHP script does the following:

  • it uploads the image to a temporary location,
  • then it copies the uploaded image to a permanent location,
  • the script then creates a smaller thumbnail image and saves this to a special thumbnail image location

This PHP script is set up only to allow the upload of JPG formatted images. But with some PHP knowledge you will be able to change this.



Shutter is an easy to use web-based photo gallery that allows you to share an unlimited number of photos in an unlimited number of albums. Features include tagging, guest comments, EXIF support, RSS feeds for albums and tags, album slideshows, multiple file uploads and click-and-drag to re-order photos and albums.

PHP Easy Installer

PHP Easy Installer is an easy-to-setup PHP script for creating a user-friendly installation wizard. The script is suitable for existing and new web applications. If you plan to create an application in PHP and search for a small, customizable and powerful installation module, then PHP Easy Installer is the best solution for you. The PHP Easy Installer script makes the installation process as simple as possible; it may be easily customized for any project. The PHP EI is an excellent tool for web developers who:


PHP MicroCMS (PHP MCMS) is a simple, but very powerful Content Management System that everyone can use. The PHP MCMS can be installed easily by web developers, webmasters, graphic designers, etc. PHP MCMS was developed in OOP and allows users to build websites in a few minutes. PHP MicroCMS allows users with very little technical knowledge to build websites, as done by millions of bloggers on the web. PHP MicroCMS requires NO knowledge of HTML, although HTML can be used to enhance the pages by adding headings, images, hyperlinks or simply to emphasize text. The PHP MCMS is an excellent tool for those who:
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