Monthly Archiv: January, 2011
If you prefer to check your email from your
own website directly using a web browser instead of sending it to
some third party email service like Gmail or Hotmail (or whatever), the newest addition to the
Free Web Mail PHP Scripts (Email Clients)
page will let you do that. Simply install it on your site, configure it with your browser, customize it if
you like, and you'll have created your own webmail. (And you can even support other users, if that's your intention.)
Learning a user's browser and its version is usually very important to decide if any other scripts or styles need to be inserted into the web page.
And, such tasks are usually accomplished with JavaScript as we don't need to go so deep (detecting if it is IE or not is generally enough).
Browser.php is a very useful PHP class that helps collecting data about a visitor's browser including:
- platform used
- browser
- browser version
It can detect almost every popular browser including mobile + tablet devices and robots with a few lines just like:
$browser = new Browser();
if( $browser->getBrowser() == Browser::BROWSER_FIREFOX && $browser->getVersion() >= 2 ) {
echo 'You have FireFox version 2 or greater';
If the need for browser detection is more than just analyzing whether it is IE, Firefox, Chrome or Safari, then Browser.php is definitely a must-bookmark.
Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop
Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)
View and edit MySQL database records
This class can be used to view and edit MySQL database table records.
It can retrieve records of MySQL database tables and display the record field values along with links to change the record values or even delete the records.
The texts used in the record listings and forms are available for multiple idioms.
Register and call functions
This package can be used to register and call functions.
There are two classes for registering and calling global functions and other class functions respectively.
The classes can take arguments to pass to the called registered functions.
GestureWorks, a multitouch framework for Flash and Flex, is sharing a beautiful set of free gesture icons.
The set includes ~200 icons and comes in different formats (.PNG, .EPS, .PDF) with different download packs (every item being an individual file or as a poster).
Items are presented under 2 main categories:
- Multitouch gestures
- Stroke gestures
and each of them has sub-titles like: tap gestures, rotate gestures, number strokes, etc.
A very handy resource for anyone designing/developing mobile applications (and for anyone documenting them).
Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop
Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)
التعارف والدردشه ومناقشة احوال القرية
Spritebox is a free-to-use web application which offers a WYSIWYG tool for creating CSS classes from a single sprite image.
Image to be used can be fetched from a URL, uploaded directly or via drag 'n' drops from the computer.
After that, it is possible to mark any parts of the image, define a class/id name and CSS rules containing the background-position
will be created automatically.
Besides mouse, the application can be controlled via keyboard shortcuts and main image can be zoomed for pixel-perfect selections.
Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop
Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)
Generate and validate HTML forms with PHP
This package can be used to generate and validate HTML forms.
It can compose and generate HTML forms by adding to the form objects that define the behavior of each form input.
The input object classes may also implement several types of validation for verifying the form input values.
Currently the package provides classes for field objects of the types text, e-mail address, password, radio buttons, single and multiple select inputs, checkbox and file.
Generate and validate HTML forms
This package can be used to generate and validate HTML forms.
It can compose and generate HTML forms by adding to the form objects that define the behavior of each form input.
The input object classes may also implement several types of validation for verifying the form input values.
Currently the package provides classes for field objects of the types text, e-mail address, password, radio buttons, single and multiple select inputs, checkbox and file.
A new set of professionally designed fonts has been added to the
Free Fonts page. It is distributed
under a permissive licence that allows you to embed them in documents and even use them on
your own website. Oh, did
I mention that it's free?