Monthly Archiv: October, 2010
[Free] New Open Source Office Suite: WordProcessor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, etc
LibreOffice has been added to the Free Word Processors and Office Suites page. This is a full fledged office suite, based on the original OpenOffice project, by many of the contributors of the original OpenOffice software. It includes a wordprocessor, spreadsheet, presentation software, database, drawing tools, etc. There are Windows, Mac OS X and Linux versions of this suite.
Simple DBase
It can establish connections to a MySQL database server, select a database to access, execute SQL queries, return the number of affected table rows, return the number of result rows and retrieve the query result rows in arrays.
INI Parser
It can read an INI file line by line and get the setting values of each configuration section.
The parse results are returned in a bi-dimensional associative array to make it easier to access settings by section and option name.
[Free] New Free Remote Desktop Software: View and control another computer from the comfort of your own
Are you regarded as the computer guru of your family, from whom they seek help whenever something goes wrong? If so, you may be interested in the latest addition to the Free Remote Desktop Software page. This remote desktop software let you view and control another computer across the Internet, allowing you to fix problems for your family or friends without having to travel to their place.
Redaxscript is a free, PHP and MySQL driven website engine for small business and private websites. It's ultra lightweight, simple and customizable.Blog Criptkiller
It can create blog posts that are stored in a text file, removing all line breaks of the blog post HTML so each post only occupies line in the blog file.
The class also removes dangerous tags that can be used to perform cross-site scripting attacks.
It can also extract blog post data from the blog file.
Wazala Online Shopping Cart
Copy and paste the Wazala JavaScript to easily add an elegant online store to any website, blog or Facebook profile. A hosted shopping cart application that integrates into your website in the form of an overlay widget or an embedded iframe. No matter what technology you use to design and develop your website, be it XHTML, CSS, JavaScript / PHP, .net, python, java, ruby, or any other web development scripting language Wazala integrate beautifully and seamlessly. Support for digital goods as well as tangible shippable products. Just copy and paste the shop code into the header of any website, blog or application and voila Wazala gives you a complete product catalogue and shopping cart experience that is simple, beautiful and seamless.Events Calendar
It can generate an HTML table that displays the days of a given month.
The calendar may denote certain dates of special events that appear as links.
The presentation details of the different calendar elements may be configured with CSS styles.