Monthly Archiv: February, 2011

Lots Of Free & High-Quality Design Items: WordPressThemeShock

WordPressThemeShock is a fresh website that shares high-quality-yet-free design resources and WP themes created by their talented team.

The freebies include items like ribbons, credit card icons, navigation examples and more with PSD source files.

Besides these design items, it is possible to find creative HTML-CSS resources like "pure CSS3 frameboxes" or templates.


Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

WordPress 3.1, lots of fun

The long-awaited fourteenth release of WordPress is now available. WordPress 3.1 “Reinhardt” is named in honor of the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. Version 3.1 is available for download, or you can update from within your dashboard.

This release features a lightning fast redesigned linking workflow which makes it easy to link to your existing posts and pages, an admin bar so you’re never more than a click away from your most-used dashboard pages, a streamlined writing interface that hides many of the seldom-used panels by default to create a simpler and less intimidating writing experience for new bloggers (visit Screen Options in the top right to get old panels back), and a refreshed blue admin scheme available for selection under your personal options.

There’s a bucket of candy for developers as well, including our new Post Formats support which makes it easy for themes to create portable tumblelogs with different styling for different types of posts, new CMS capabilities like archive pages for custom content types, a new Network Admin, an overhaul of the import and export system, and the ability to perform advanced taxonomy and custom fields queries.

With the 3.1 release, WordPress is more of a CMS than ever before. The only limit to what you can build is your imagination.

(No video yet for 3.1, we’re going to add it later.)

By the Numbers

There were over two thousand commits to the codebase in the 3.1 cycle! For a more comprehensive look at everything that has improved in 3.1, check out 3.1’s Codex page or the more than 820 closed issues in Trac.

Now is the time to drop by our development channels if you are interested in being involved with 3.2, as the agenda will be under discussion shortly. We’re hoping to get the 3.2 release out in a shorter development cycle (3.1 took too long) and include some fun improvements around plugins and the speed of the admin. (Don’t worry, we’re still planning on using PHP.)

We’re All in This Together

WordPress is the result of the combined effort of people from all over the world united with a common goal: to make the best darn web software for publishing your story on the web and sharing it with the world. Here is a list of the more than 180 people who helped out with development during the 3.1 cycle:

Aaron Campbell (aaroncampbell), Adam Backstrom (adambackstrom), John Ford (aldenta), Alex Dunae (alexdunae), Alex King (alexkingorg), Amanda French (amandafrench), Will Anderson (anderswc), Andrea Rennick (andrea_r), Andrew Ozz (azaozz), Andy Skelton (andy/skeltoac), Andy Blackwell (andyblackwell), André Renaut (arena), Andrei Vereha (avereha), Azizur Rahman (azizur), Barry Abrahamson (barry), Mohammad Jangda (batmoo), Beau Lebens (beaulebens), Ben Ward (benward), Matthew G. Richmond (bigdawggi), Rowan Rodrik van der Molen (bigsmoke), Glenn Ansley (blepoxp), blt4, bobbyblade, Boone B. Gorges (boonebgorges), Brian Colinger (briancolinger), Brian Layman (brianlayman), Caesar Schinas (caesarsgrunt), Ben Casey (casben79), Chip Bennett (chipbennett), Chris Sfanos, Chris Jean (chrisbliss18), Marco Cimmino (cimmo), Scott Reilly (coffee2code), Dylan Kuhn (cyberhobo), Darren Meehan (darrenmeehan), Dion Hulse (dd32), Dean Robinson (deanjrobinson), Demetris Kikizas, Δημήτρης Κίκιζας (demetris), Denis-de-Bernardy, djzone, Доктор Бро (doktorbro), Donal MacArthur (donalmacarthur), Dougal Campbell (dougal), Dre Armeda (dremeda), Jon Cave (duck_), Doug Provencio (dougwrites), Edward Hevlund (edward mindreantre), Einar Egilsson (einare), Eric Mann (ericmann), Austin Matzko (filosofo), Gil Rutkowski (flashingcursor), foofy, Francesco Laffi (francescolaffi), Gary Cao (garyc40), Justin Tadlock (greenshady), Reuben Gunday (greuben), hakre, Hui Chen (huichen), Ben Huson (husobj), Matt Thomas (iammattthomas), Ian Stewart (iandstewart), indie-ulf, Jacob Santos (jacobsantos), Jakub Míšek (jakub.misek), James Collins (jamescollins), Jane Wells (jane/janeforshort), jayjdk, Jason Penney (jczorkmid), Jeff Farthing (jfarthing84), Josh Kearney (jk0), joelhardi, John Blackbourn (johnbillion), John James Jacoby (johnjamesjacoby/jjj), John O’Nolan (johnonolan), John Bloch (JohnPBloch), Joost de Valk (joostdevalk/yoast), Aaron Jorbin (jorbin), Joseph Scott (josephscott), Justin Rainbow, Kapeel Sable (kapeels), Adam Harley (kawauso), Jorge Bernal (koke), Daryl Koopersmith (koopersmith), Lance Willett (lancewillett), Lutz Schroeer (latz), Lew Ayotte (layotte), linguasite, Lloyd Budd (lloydbudd), loushou, mailnew2ster, mako09, Mark Jaquith (markjaquith), Mark McWilliams (markmcwilliams), MattyRob, Mauro Gentile, Michael Adams (mdawaffe), Chris Meller (mellertime), Michael Fields (mfields), MichaelH, Mike Schinkel (mikeschinkel), Robert Chapin (miqrogroove), Michael “Mitcho” Erlewine (mitchoyoshitaka), David McFarlane (mrmist), mrwok, John Havlik (mtekk), Martin Widmann (mwidmann), Andrew Nacin (nacin), Nikolay Bachiyski (nbachiyski), Nathan Rice (nathanrice), Niall Kennedy (niallkennedy), Bernhard Riedl (neoxx), Nick Momrik (nickmomrik), Nils Juenemannn, Nicolas Kuttler (nkuttler), nootron, norbertm, Dominik Schilling (ocean90), ohanesian, Samuel Wood (Otto42), Ozh Richard (ozh), Pádraic Brady, Franklin Tse (peaceablewhale), Pete Mall (PeteMall), Phill Brown (phill_brown), Phill Kenoyer (PhillKenoyer), phrostypoison, Michael Pretty (prettyboymp), Simon Prosser (pross), Ptah Dunbar (ptahdunbar), Harsh J. Chouraria (qwertymaniac), Ran Yaniv Hartstein (RanYanivHartstein), Rasheed Bydousi (rasheed), Daniel Jalkut (redsweater), rfw, Rasmus Lerdorf (rlerdorf), Ryan McCue (rmccue), Roger Theriault (rogertheriault), ronbme, rovo89, Ryan Boren (ryan), Sara Cannon (saracannon), Scott Bressler (sbressler), Scott Kingsley Clark (sc0ttkclark), ScottMac, Silviu Cristian Burca (scribu), Sergey Biryukov, Сергей Бирюков (SergeyBiryukov), Alex Petrescu (SeyelentEco), Shawn Parker (shawnparker), shidouhikari, Simon Wheatley (simonwheatley), Matt Martz (sivel), Samir Shah (solarissmoke), sorich87, Mitch Canter (studionashvegas), t31os_, Tracy Cannon (TECannon), tech163, Aaron Brazell (technosailor), TheDeadMedic, Tim Moore (tmoorewp), Tobias Bäthge (TobiasBg), Tom Lany (tomthewebmaster), tonyf12, Utkarsh Kukreti (Utkarsh), Zé Fontainhas (vanillalounge), John Hawkins (vegasgeek), Michael Stewart (vericgar), Alex Mills (Viper007Bond), Vladimir Kolesnikov (vladimir_kolesnikov), wahgnube, wedsxcrfv, Peter Westwood (westi), whoismanu, Will Norris (wnorris), Wojtek Szkutnik (wojtek.szkutnik), wpcanyon, William P. Davis (wpdavis), Ron Rennick (wpmuguru), Kenneth Newman (WraithKenny), Yoav Farhi (yoavf), and Safirul Alfreda (zeo).

Bonus: Don’t forget to check out the latest on to see all the cool WordCamp sessions you may have missed.

Free JavaScript Game Frameworks To Create A Web-Based Fun

As JavaScript-HTML5 development is getting more popular and browsers supporting new features are being utilized by more users everyday, -as expected- many new games are being developed with JavaScript.

JavaScript-powered games are not only easier-to-develop for web developers but they are also the only cross-platform ones including desktop, web and mobile.

Previously, WRD had shared 25 Amazing JavaScript Games (Some Fun And Inspiration) and, today, here is a list of free JavaScript game frameworks to build a new one:


The Render Engine

The Render Engine

A cross-browser engine which is very flexible and comes with an extensive API.

It uses object-pooling to reduce garbage collection.

Abstraction around the Canvas DOM element and any DOM element exists to standardize access to the capabilities of 2D rendering.

Box2d is the physics engine integrated, has support for touch inputs and much more.


LimeJS JavaScript Game Framework

It is a HTML5 game framework for building games that'll feel native and work fast in modern touchscreens and desktop browsers.

LimeJS is created with Closure Library built by Google and comes with functions/classes to control the timeline, events, shapes and animations.

Also, the framework has full support of sprite sheets (you can collect all images inside a single file).


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Impact JavaScript Game Engine

Impact, the engine behind Biolab Disaster and Z-Type, is a professional JavaScript Game Engine that allows you to develop HTML5 Games easily and quickly.

It doesn't require any software installation, just a modern browser supporting the canvas tag is enough.

Impact Editor

The engine has a versatile Weltmeister Level Editor (screenshot above) that lets you create your game worlds. No matter how complicated the game is, Weltmeister can accomplish it..

Every entity (enemies, NPCs, triggers etc.) can be instantly used in Weltmeister and they can be connected with each other to create logic chains like find button, open door.

Impact comes with classes to manage the game basics, inputs, maps, animations, sound and much more.



Jaws JavaScript Game Library

A 2D game library powered by HTML5 which supports canvas and ordinary DOM based sprites through the same API.

It has a satisfactory sprite constructor for a higher abstraction for the characters.

Jaws makes handling keystrokes easier, providing string-identifiers for each key and anywhere in the code, you can instantly check if a key is pressed down.


GMP JavaScript Game Engine

GMP is a JavaScript game engine that fits good to creating sprite-based, 2-D games and it can easily power most retro-style arcade game designs or puzzles like Sudoku.

It has a ready-to-go, self-booting game loop. Mouse and keyboard inputs can be used easily.

The engine is well-documented and the major fallback can be the lack of integrated sound support.


Gamma JavaScript Game Engine

This JavaScript library can be used to create 2.5D platform games with the power of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and WebGL.

It comes with various classes to ease the development process including the ones for shapes, characters, enemies and more.



It is a set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript using HTML5 canvas tag and some standard hooks.

The modules provided include:

  • Gamebox: helps with collisions, rendering + moving objects, keyboard, double buffering and FSE.
  • Gamecycle: features like intro, menus, crossfading between stages/lifes, gameover and ending.
  • Toys: lots of common routines like jumping characters, bullets, etc.
  • Iphopad / Iphofretboard: for touch-based devices.



A jQuery plug-in which helps building JavaScript games with the help game-related classes offered.

It features multi-layer sprite animations (with hierarchy support), collision detection, sound, keyboard state polling and periodic callbacks.


Propulsion JavaScript Game Engine

Propulsion supports any type of two dimensional game development.

There are many built-in shapes to be drawn and a physics engine for managing accelerations and velocity.


Crafty JavaScript Game Engine

This is a lightweight and modular JavaScript game engine which consists of many components like animation, event management, redraw regions, collision detection, sprites and more.



The library comes with cross-browser event handling (mouse, keyboard and touch).

It has polygon, box and circle collision detection, sprite management and networking (ajax) abstraction layer.



GameJs is a lightweight library, which is actually a port of the popular PyGame to JavaScript, that uses HTML canvas element.

It is a simple framework that allows writing the games as CommonJs modules.


xc.js JAvaScript Game Engine

It is a very fresh framework and not as mature as others in the list.

At the core of xc.js, the concepts are scenes, nodes, actions, and events.

Sound support, Box2d and networking are the features to be mentioned in the "to-do-list" of the framework.

Other -related- resources

Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

HTML5 – A Technical Specification For Web Developers

The official and full HTML specification, besides the information a web developer usually needs, has many other details that only browser vendors need to know.

WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) has a filtered HTML5 version which focuses on readability and ease of access.

It has find-as-you-type search, offline access, very nice typography, technical references pulled inline, and alternate styles for handheld devices or low resolution displays.

HTML5 Specs

Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

MooTools SlideShow – A Highly Extensible Content Slider

MooTools SlideShow is a flexible class for the popular JavaScript framework for managing transitions of elements that share the same space like slideshows, tabs or galleries.

It comes with 19 out-of-the box transitions and 12 CSS3-powered transitions which can be used for modern browsers.

MooTools Slideshow Class

The class can autoplay items, display them in the reverse order or can be triggered to load the previous, next  and any specific item.

There are also multiple callbacks provided including onPlay, onPause, onShowComplete and onShow.

Special Downloads:
Ajaxed Add-To-Basket Scenarios With jQuery And PHP
Free Admin Template For Web Applications
jQuery Dynamic Drag’n Drop

Professional XHTML Admin Template ($15 Discount With The Code: WRD.)
Psd to Xhtml
SSLmatic – Cheap SSL Certificates (from $19.99/year)

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